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Understanding The Competition
10. How many active brands are there in your category? It is a scale where 1 refers to 'Lots of active brands' and 10 refers to 'No active brands'
11. How sensitive is the consumer to pricing in the category? It is a scale where 1 refers to 'Very sensitive' and 10 refers to 'Not sensitive'
12. How different are your key features compared to your closest competition? It is a scale 1 to 10 where 1 refers to 'Similar offering' and 10 refers to 'Significantly better'
13. How aggressively do the players in your category advertise? It is a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 refers to 'High noise/mass media advertising' and 10 refers to 'Low noise, occasional or targeted advertising'
14. How familiar are consumers to your category? It is a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 refers to 'New/not familiar at all' and 10 refers to 'Evolved/mature users'
15. How sensitive is the category to promotions? It is a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 refers to 'Very sensitive' and 10 refers to 'Not sensitive'

Press Submit and then press Next for the remaining questions. Section 3/5.

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