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Understanding Product/Service Offering
1. How original is your offering (product or service) in the market? It is a scale where 1 refers to 'Similar products exist in the market' and 10 refers to 'Unique offering'
2. How would consumers in the category describe the features of your product or service? It is a scale where 1 refers to 'Expected features' and 10 refers to 'New surprises'
3. How simple do you think the product or service is for the consumer to understand? It is a scale 1 to 10 where 1 refers to 'Easy to understand' and 10 refers to 'Needs explaining'
4. How often do you feel customers return to use the product or service as against the category norm? It is a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 refers to 'Low return usage' and 10 refers to 'Regular return usage'
5. How valuable do consumers say your product or service is, compared to their category experience? It is a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 refers to 'Low value' and 10 refers to 'High value'

Press Submit and then press Next for the remaining questions. Section 1/5.

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